Big Cypress National Preserve Lightning

Took a day trip over to Everglades City in hopes of photographing a Royal Poinciana Tree someone had told me about.  I have been trying to capture a Royal Poinciana Tree next to the water for some time but without any luck.  This day would not be any different.  The tree I went to shoot was not yet in full bloom and I needed a boat to get the shot I was envisioning.  I will have to plan another trip in the near future and try again.

Since I was already over on the west coast I decided to spend some time in Fakahatchee Strand and the Big Cypress.  I went back to Fakahatchee to check on my ghost orchids.  One was still in bloom with another still budding but not yet flowering.  I took a few shots before having to walk back out to the truck due to rain and thunder.

After leaving Fakahatchee I went over to Wagon Wheel Road and Turner River Road to try and see if I could get some lightning shots across the vista.  I got a few good strikes from a storm on Birdon Road but did not have a great foreground.  The stroms were fluctuating from producing lighting and just rain for the better part of a few hours.  In between storms I would drive the road looking for wildlife.  I saw numerous deer feeding after the cooling rains.  I took a few shots but none I thought were worth anything.

Another storm started producing lighting and this time I was near a field of blooming lilies.  I set up my shot with as many of the lilies as I could in the foreground and hoped the lighting would cooperate.  The best bolts were out of my frame but I did manage to get a few decent strikes to complement my scene.  I would have preferred more dramatic skies or closer/branched lighting but all in all I am happy with the shots.

On my way home I noticed the sky starting to turn color and pulled over at a boat ramp location I had shot before.  In my prior shot it was winter time and the grasses were brown and trees were losing thier leaves.  This time everything was green and the skies were very colorful and reflecting off the smooth water.

I did not accomplish my original goal but still managed to capture a few unique shots.

Big Cypress National Preserve Rattlesnake and Whitetail Deer

After my Orchid Adventure I stopped by Wagon Wheel and Turner River Roads on my way back home.  I found a couple of snakes sunning themselves in the late afternoon sun on the gravel road.  I came across two Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes, two Water Moccasins and one Garter Snake.  The largest rattlesnake was around 5 foot or so.

I also saw a few deer grazing in the sawgrass on the blooming string lilies.  I walked out in the sawgrass to capture one that had bedded down among the flowers.  Before I got in camera range the deer heard me and stood up.  Luckily a red winged black bird happened to land on the deer giving me a decent and unique photo.  Unbeknownst to me there was another deer that had bedded down nearby as well and it jumped up and sounded the alarm causing both deer to sprint off in to the distance.  Either way it resulted in a few good shots.